seo agency
Kreative Machinez
8th March 2021

5 Content Development Mistakes That Can Ruin Your SEO Strategy

Content is integral to your SEO efforts. No matter how strong your technical SEO is, if the content fails, everything else will fall as well.

This is why it’s essential to steer clear of the basic content development mistakes so to ensure your SEO strategy remains effective and impactful.

Here are five content development mistakes that can ruin your SEO strategy:

Obsessing over long-form content- There is this perception that Google rewards longer content. This is not true. The length of the content has nothing to do with the page’s ranking. If you’re obsessed with the length of your length – if you want to create lengthier content even when the topic or subject doesn’t demand it - you’re making a big mistake.

Too many keywords that degrades reading experience- Yes, keywords still matter… But not as much as they once did; just ask any SEO agency in Kolkata. So, including too many keywords in your content to a point that it makes your content sound redundant, boring and/or incomprehensible, it’s a big mistake.

Not including (relevant) internal links- Internal link building is a big part of on-page SEO. It is one of the key things that separate top-ranking results on SERP vs. the rest. When developing content, it’s a good practice to include links of other relevant blog posts and pages wherever needed. Recommended Read: 19 Things That Separate Top-Ranking Sites on SERP vs. Others

Overlooking the UX aspects- Nobody likes to read large blocks of texts. This is especially true today when a lot of people are visiting your website from their mobile devices. The content should ideally be structured well in various sections that make skimming easier. The lines and paragraphs should be short.

Lacking visual appeal- Your content needs images and videos. This is more fitting if the content is long. Besides, adding images and videos has its own direct SEO benefits. While images improve your page’s discoverability, videos improve your average session duration. In addition to images and videos, you should also play around with different colors and backgrounds. Adding visual appeal to the content on the page can lower your bounce rate and improve engagement.

These are five content development mistakes that can hurt your SEO strategy.

If you need help ranking higher on SERP and get more organic traffic, connect with an SEO agency in Canada, USA, or India.

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