digital marketing tactics
Kreative Machinez
22nd January 2019

7 Brainless Marketing Tactics You Don’t Care About-BUT You Should

Digital marketing isn’t that bit complex. Really. Yet, somehow, the marketing companies, business owners and DIY ninjas manage to make a great deal out of it.

Yes, there are technical aspects to SEO, content strategizing, campaign optimization. And they are difficult to understand and implement.

But then there are also so many simple steps and tactics that are super effective in nature and doesn’t even need any extra understanding of the topic. They are as brainless as copying-pasting.

In short, if you’re looking to drive organic website traffic, improve conversion, and amp your brand value-it’s not that complicated to do, not even if you don’t have the best digital marketing company in Kolkata by your side.

Here are 7 brainless marketing tactics that are so basic that you don’t care about them-but in reality, you should:

1. Repurpose Old Contents

It’s not just about creation. Content marketing is a wide spectrum of many different stages, ideas, and processes. Repurposing old content is a big part of it.

It’s incredibly surprising that so many marketers focus so much on creating “fresh” contents that they completely forget about all the great-quality copies that they have already published. Don’t be one of them.

Your old contents are just as good as the fresh ones. Juice more value from them by updating their content and tweaking around the latest market demands.

For instance, you wrote "10 Best Weight Loss Recipe to Get Fit in 2018" a year back. Now, unless you have something fundamentally new to add in this topic, you can repurpose the same content with new headings, subheadings, keywords, and dates; "10 Best Weight Loss Recipe to Get Fit in 2019".

It saves you time. Plus, the PR that your old post enjoys, it automatically puts it ahead of all the newly created contents of your competitors.

So, start repurposing old contents by adding to them more depth, newer information, and high-traffic keywords.

2. Guest Blogging on Authority Sites

Guest blogging is possibly one of the best (and easiest) ways to get FREE backlinks from authority websites.

Understand that not all backlinks are created equally.

For example, one backlink from top websites like The Guardian can/will be worth more than 100 backlinks from some URL submission portals.

Now, of course, getting backlinks from such high-PR websites is not always possible. And this is where the power of guest blogging comes into play.

These days many high-end websites are accepting guest posts. You can easily find such big names from nearly every niche.

Just be creative when searching online. Google “(your niche) + write for us” or “(your niche) + contribute”, and you will have a list of good websites who are offering guest posting opportunities. Almost all of them would allow you to have one backlink to your website, at least in the author section. Even if it’s just a ‘noFollow’ backlink, it’s sufficient to help you get necessary brand traction.

Generally, high authority websites like Forbes, Business Insider, Huffington Post, New York Times and Times of India accept guests post/op-eds. Getting a backlink from such website almost guarantees to take your SEO rewards to the next level.

3. Converting Blogs into Videos

Videos are EVERYWHERE.

  • More than 500 million hours of videos are watched every day on YouTube.
  • One-third of online activity is spent watching videos.
  • Over half a billion people are watching videos on Facebook every day.

Need more proof?

It’s imperative that if you are to engage your audience better and build a brand (irrespective of your niche), you’re creating original video contents and distributing them across different channels.

But that’s too much. We’re talking about brainless here.

The simplest thing you can do is convert your blog posts in videos and then share them on five platforms: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and SnapChat.

Now, converting texts into videos is easier than ever in 2019. There are tens of great tools available online that can help you create 2-minute videos in as less as five minutes. Lumen5 in a nice example.

Just copy-paste the main points from your blog post into the tool. Upload your desired images. And these tools can magically create a bite-size video with stunning background music.

It’s that simple and quick to do. It is that easy to drive higher audience engagement.

In case if you want a high-quality video, you should hire a good marketing agency.

4. Linking Internal Pages

It is so interesting that many marketers and webmasters still undermine the importance of internal linking.

It’s a MUST, today, to link one page to another on your website, as and when it feels relevant.

This not only facilitates easy crawling for the search spiders, which can significantly improve your search ranking, but can also deliver a good UX by navigating readers to relevant pages.

Internal link building becomes quite easy when you have a proper content marketing strategy in effect with a good editorial calendar.

Linking one article with another gets quite natural because you’re primarily focusing on delivering higher value to the readers.

5. Offering Something for Free

Emails are still very, very important for your business’s success.

  1. $1 spent on email has an average ROI of $38.
  2. 72 percent of consumers prefer email as their source of business communication.


So, it’s imperative that you have a thorough email marketing strategy in action. Of course, it’s easier said than done. Many marketers struggle right in the first stage-getting website visitors’ email addresses.

People don’t want to give their emails to everyone. They won’t give it to you just because you’re asking for it. And this is where you need a free value proposition to lure them.

So, if you want to get website visitors to give you their email address, you would need to offer them something for free-something that’s valuable to them.

eBooks and Quizzes are very popular. If you’re in e-commerce, you can offer exclusive discounts in return for their emails.

If your value proposition is good and free, you can easily get people’s email address. And thus, begins your sales funnel.

In the process, make sure to hire a good web development company and ask them to design an attractive opt-in form.

6. Embedding Videos in Blog Posts

Yes, there over 200 ranking factors that Google cares about. But are they all really equally important? The answer is NO!

Today, search engines are focused on offering searchers a better user experience. So, their ranking priorities have taken a big shift in recent times.

The likes of Google and Bing are more centric to the UX-indicators. "If a website is offering a good experience to a visitor, it must be of good quality and deserves to be ranked higher."

Also Read: Top 3 SEO Trends for 2019 To Turn Your Website From "Chump" to "Champ"

Dwell time and time spent on page-these are two important UX factors that search engines are now focusing on to rank websites.

Meaning, among various things, all you have to do is get your website visitors stay on the page for as long as possible.


By embedding videos in your articles and webpages.

If your content is of good quality and captivating enough, visitors are very likely to keep scrolling and play that embedded video. And when they do, they’re going to stay on the page for much longer.

So, in short, start embedding RELEVANT videos in your articles. The videos don’t have to be yours. Pick anyone from YouTube and just give them the channel a proper credit.

Just like that, you can easily woo the search engines.

7. Optimizing for Bing Search

Yes, Google dominates the search market. But this shouldn’t take away all your attention from Bing.

Bing process over 15 billion searches every month. This alone should convince you to get serious about this search engine. In addition, given the fact that even your competitors, much like you, ignore Bing, it’s more of the reason to act immediately and get the biggest landgrab.

Optimizing your website for this Microsoft powered search engine isn’t anything extraordinary or doesn’t require a lot of work.

All you’ve got to do is do keywords research for Bing. The search engine offers a dedicated tool for this. It shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes.
Once you have Bing-centric keywords, sprinkle them around on your website. Over the period, you will notice significant traffic inflow from Bing.


These digital marketing tactics aren’t “out of the box”. They aren’t special. They are as basic as it gets. But somehow, they are incredibly effective and super-quick to implement.

So, stop chasing the extraordinary and complex strategies. Stop chasing the “hacks”. Sometimes the basic can be more magical and rewarding.

Also Read: This Simple Strategy Will be The Game-Changer For Your SEO in 2019

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