best SEO companies in Kolkata
Kreative Machinez
7th August 2019

How to Get More Shares and Backlinks for Your Blog Content?

The traditional narrative is simple: Publish high-quality content and people will share and link it.

While it still works, acting passively is no more a reliable (and smart) strategy.

Meaning, if you want more shares and backlinks, you have to work for it. You have to earn them. This is truer today than ever when market competition is massively high and your close competitors are shelling large quantity of high-quality content.

So, how do you *really and actively* get more shares and backlinks for your blog posts?

It’s simple...

You do what the best SEO companies in Kolkata do.

And here’s exactly what they do to:

1. Create The “Right” Content

By “right” we mean content that has high linking and shareability factor.

You cannot expect to get hundreds of shares and backlinks on blog posts that aren’t even demanded in the market, can you?

So, your first task-at-hand is to produce content on topics that are in demand, trending, and bring the most value to the audience at that period of time.

For this, it’s best to hire website content writing services provider.

But if you’re a DIY ninja, use tools like BuzzSumo, Ubersuggest, and SEMrush to find the type of content in your niche or for the targeted keywords that have the most shares and backlinks.

Create content around the same topic.

2. Ask People To Share It

Your website visitors need to be told what they should do next. They won’t magically know your goals or intent.

So, at the end of all your blog posts, leave a prompt for the readers, asking them to share the content.

Ask them nicely (and creatively), and if they did get value from the content, they are more likely to share it.

3. Create Roundup Posts

This is a classic way to get more backlinks and social media shares.

A roundup post is a piece of content that includes the contribution of multiple experts. You pick a relevant topic in your niche, approach several industry experts and then feature their opinions/choices in the post.

For instance, if you’re in fitness, a topic like this is quite relevant: "45 Bodybuilding Trainers Share Their Most Favorite Fitness Tip".

And then approach these 45 bodybuilding trainers, ask them about their favorite tip, and feature those tips in your post.

Everyone loves getting featured and mentions like these. It makes them feel special.

Once the post is live, send them the link and ask them to share and backlink it. Many of them would be happy to do it.

Besides, roundup posts are a one-stop treasure trove of resources, which everyone likes to share and link. So, they usually promise higher engagement and rewards.

4. Make It Easier To Share

How would people share your content if your share buttons are hidden somewhere in the corner or bottom!

Consumers don’t like friction.

Your share buttons should be visible and upfront, that not only makes sharing seamlessly easier but is also a reminder to the visitors that they should share this content.

So, be strategic and smart in the position of your share buttons.

5. Quote Industry Experts

This is a very basic step that can win you many shares and backlinks.

Like mentioned already, everyone loves getting featured and mentions. It makes them feel special.

In your blog posts, quote experts and influencers of your industry. Either ask them for their opinions or simply take a quotation from their website and social media posts.

Once your blog is live, inform the person that you have mentioned them. Most of them would be happy to share your content with their audience.


6. Invest In your Brand Value

This adds in perpetuity with short-term rewards isn’t always visible immediately.

People love engaging with brands that are more recognized and trustable.

For example, if you and your competitor have published an identical content, the one that has higher brand value will get more shares and backlinks.

Today, brand is everything. And in the coming decade, it would be the cornerstone for your business’s existence online. This is why the best SEO companies in Kolkata, India, in recent times, have shifted their strategies to be more brand-centric.

So, if you don’t already, start investing in your brand value. It would not just win you more backlinks and shares - it would win you the whole game.


These are 5 (+1) tips how you can increase the number of backlinks and shares your blog posts get.

Now, evidently, they are not easy to pull, and require hard work. However, if you’re consistent in your efforts, the good rewards are almost guaranteed to follow.

Want to add another tip to this list? Comment below.

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