podcast marketing
Kreative Machinez
29th July 2022

Podcast Marketing: A Guide to Grow Your Audience (Pt 2/2)

Read part 1 here: Podcast Marketing: A Guide to Grow Your Audience (Pt 1/2)

…these are some of the top podcast marketing tips…

  1. Transcribe audio and convert it into blog posts

If you have an audio file, then transcribing it into text will help you create content that is more accessible. Podcasting is an excellent way to get your ideas out there, but unless people are finding your content via search engines like Google or Bing, they won't know about it. So if you can create a blog post out of your podcast and make sure that it is shared on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, then that can go a long way towards helping viewers discover your show.

  1. Ask listeners to leave positive reviews

When you're offering a podcast episode, it's important to get your listeners involved in spreading the word about your show. A key component of this is asking them to review your show on iTunes or Google Play. This can be done by sending out emails with links to the review page where they can leave a star rating and write a few words about your podcast.

  1. Had a dedicated podcast landing page on site

A podcast landing page is where you can let your listeners know that you have something new to share and encourage them to subscribe. It’s important because it will help you get more downloads and keep your audience engaged with your content. Your landing page should be a high-quality, professional-looking place to capture leads and give listeners reasons to subscribe. It should also be easy for people to find, as it will be the first impression they have of your show.

If you need help in creating a landing page (or a new website altogether), connect with developers and designers. There are many incredible agencies that offer a wide range of solutions, from ASO services India to WordPress development. Talk to them and have an outstanding page for your podcast ready.

  1. Hold contests to engage listeners

Once listeners get hooked on your show, they'll want more content from you. This is where contests come in handy - they're fun ways for podcasts to engage their audience and get them excited about the next episode or even just about life in general! You can hold contests weekly or monthly and use them as a way to connect with your listeners and encourage them to listen every week.

  1. Publish video podcast on YouTube

While recording podcast episodes, make sure you're also recording the video. You can then use this video on YouTube to further scale your reach. Many people prefer visuals when listening to podcasts. These videos can appeal to such listeners, bringing you higher engagement.

  1. End episodes with strong and relevant CTA

Your podcast should have an end-of-episode call to action (CTA). This could be for a specific show topic, or for something that relates to the overall brand message of your organization. The CTA should be relevant to the audience, but also easy enough for anyone in the world to understand and take action.

  1. Experiment with ideal podcast length

If you're new to the podcasting game, it can be difficult to know what length works best for your content. A good rule of thumb is to start off with a 10-minute episode and work your way up from there. The great thing about podcasts is that they're easy to edit, so it's not hard to trim down an overly long episode. If you're struggling to come up with ideas for long episodes, try breaking them up into shorter segments. That aside, experiment with different lengths and see which one works the best.

  1. Mention your previous podcast episodes

When promoting your latest episode, it's worth mentioning other previous episodes as well. This will help people discover more of your work and keep them listening in the future. Try linking out to all of your most popular episodes - they'll help boost your rankings on iTunes, Spotify, and other platforms!

  1. Build a community around your podcast

One of the most important steps in podcast marketing is to build a community around your show. A community is made up of listeners who share a common interest or cause, and have an affinity for each other. You can build this community organically by sharing great content, engaging with your listeners, and providing them more value.

  1. Run a newsletter for listeners

If you have a mailing list, you can send out a weekly or bi-weekly newsletter to your listeners. This is a good way of keeping them informed about what you're up to and building trust with them. It also gives you an opportunity to ask questions, offer discount codes, and even give away extra content from time to time. And then, of course, a newsletter is the most reliable way to inform the listeners about your newly-published episodes.

  1. Tease episodes before publishing

If you're running a newsletter, you should be sending out samples of upcoming shows from time to time - even if it's just one or two segments from each episode at first. This will allow your subscribers to get excited about new episodes and build anticipation for when they're released. You can also tease your upcoming episodes on social media platforms. Build a hype that can bring you more downloads or listens right after you publish your episode.

  1. Encourage listeners to share

Encouraging your audience to share your podcast is a great way to get the word out about it. It also helps you build a community of listeners, who can then help others discover your show. So, do ask your listeners to share the episodes with their friends and peers. You can also ask your audience on social media platforms and via your newsletter to share your content in their network. A sweet and simple prompt of this once in a while can take you a long way in attracting new listeners.

Final words

These are some of the practical tips to help you grow your podcast audience. As mentioned earlier, podcast marketing is far from easy; so, it will take time to amass more listeners. But if you’re consistent - and are producing high-value audio content throughout - you can scale your podcast and bring more attention to your products, thereby increasing its sales in the process. Again, if you need help, get in touch with a top digital marketing agency and seek their expertise.

So, if you haven’t already, launch your podcast and stride forward confidently towards a future where audio content is more popular than any other form of content.

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