SEO content
Kreative Machinez
25th April 2022

SEO Content: A 3-Part Ultimate Guide to Dominate SERP (pt 3/3)

In the second part of this 3-part SEO content series, we talked about the “other things” you can do to make your SEO content more impactful. We covered a few tips and tricks to ensure your content performs better on SERP and brings desired results faster. If you haven’t already, check it out here: SEO Content: A 3-Part Ultimate Guide to Dominate SERP (pt 2/3)

In this part, we’ll discuss how you can create an effective SEO content strategy. Let’s dive in with the first step.

Know who you're writing for

Research your target audience by looking at metrics such as age, income, and location. More importantly, use the data you have about your existing customers.

Use this information to create buyer personas that represent your ideal customers. Their interests and pain points, among other details, will guide what topics you should be writing about.

Create a list of topics

Now that you know who you're targeting, create a list of topics that will address their needs.

Let's say you sell party supplies in Ontario. "How to organize a great party," "A party supply checklist," "Where to buy party supplies in Ontario," "# common party fails and how to avoid them," and so on are the most obvious topics you should definitely cover.

Your content should address issues/needs both at the awareness stage (top of the conversion funnel) and at the decision stage (bottom of the funnel).

Focus on a single topic per page

It can be tempting to write about multiple related topics on a single page, but this approach can make it difficult for search engines to determine your topic.

Cover one subject per page, and mention other, related topics only where it makes sense.

If a single page covers multiple topics well, consider breaking them up into separate pages or adding a canonical link back to the original piece of content in each new post or page.

Do keywords research

Keyword research is the process of uncovering the best keyword phrases to target that will bring you more traffic.

There are a number of free and paid tools out there that you can use for keyword research. Names like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and KWfinder are very popular.

You can also use Google itself as a keyword tool. Start by brainstorming words and phrases that describe what you do and how people might search for it online.

Create a content calendar

Creating a content calendar is a good way to start organizing your SEO content strategy because it will help you stay on top of the entire content creation and publishing process.

There are several ways you can create a content calendar. You can use an Excel spreadsheet, Word document, or Google Sheet.

You can even use an editorial calendar plugin like CoSchedule to manage your content publishing schedule.

The best way to move about here is by creating a spreadsheet or chart that lists the following:

  • Date: When the article will be published
  • Title: The working title of the article
  • Theme: What topic will be covered in the article
  • Format: Which format will be used (e.g., listicle, infographic, video)
  • Channel: On which channel will it be published (e.g., website, Medium, YouTube)

Define a link-building strategy

Inbound links are critical to SEO success. Search engines see inbound links as the key to your site's success and relevance. To get them, you'll need to engage in some link-building activities yourself.

In other words, what is your plan for getting people to link back to your site? Perhaps you'll create an infographic that gets shared around because of its awesome information.

Maybe you'll guest post on a blog and convince them with great content that they should also link back to your site. Or maybe you'll write an awesome piece of content that goes viral and attracts natural links.

Whatever you decide, make sure it's something that will attract attention and motivate people to link back to your site.

Track important metrics

You need to track and analyze your audience’s responses, search engine traffic, keyword rankings, site visits, bounce rates, social media shares, conversions, and other metrics.

This will help you determine whether your efforts are worth it and how much you need to improve in order to get better results.

You can use Google Analytics or any other analytics tool to track the growth of your site over time.

Remember that a successful SEO content strategy doesn’t happen overnight. But if you keep at it and remain consistent in your efforts, you’ll definitely see the results in the long run.


A well-planned and written SEO content can unlock exponential growth for your business. But then planning, writing, and optimizing SEO content is far from easy.

Moreover, as mentioned earlier, it isn’t a one-time thing. Once you have published a piece of content, you will have to regularly optimize and improve it to drive better results. So, it’s an ongoing process.

This is what makes creating and executing an effective content SEO strategy challenging. And this is why it’s recommended to team up with a digital marketing company India instead of opting for the DIY route.

Working with a specialist agency that offers SEO services Canada or in India can bring you outstanding results.

So, have experts by your side and create excellent SEO content that propels your business to newer heights on SERP.

We hope you found this 3-part guide helpful.

If you didn’t read the previous parts, check them out there:

SEO Content: A 3-Part Ultimate Guide to Dominate SERP (pt 1/3)

Audio Version: Click Here

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