Google core update
Kreative Machinez
2nd April 2024

Google March 2024 Core Update: All You Need to Know

We expect that the combination of this Google core update and our previous efforts will collectively reduce low-quality, unoriginal content in search results by 40%." This is how Elizabeth Tucker, director of Product Management, Search at Google, describes the latest Google algorithm update. So, what is this update really about? Why should you care about it? And how should your SEO strategy adapt? Let's answer.

About Google March 2024 Core Update

The March 2024 Core Update is more extensive and complex than recent core updates. It includes updates to multiple ranking systems and components. The update has two main goals:
  • Enhance Google's ranking systems to show the most helpful information and reduce unhelpful, unoriginal content. This refines how Google understands which webpages have poor user experience, unhelpful content, and feel made for search engines rather than people.
  • Strengthen spam detection through updated policies and enforcement. New spam policies include scaled content abuse, site reputation abuse, and expired domain abuse.
Alongside the core update, Google is integrating the helpful content system introduced in 2022 into its core ranking systems.

Impact on Search Results

Google expects this update, combined with previous efforts, will reduce low-quality, unoriginal content. Websites with thin content, aggregated or duplicated information, and pages designed to game search rankings will likely see significant drops in visibility. On the flip side, websites consistently producing original, in-depth, helpful content should see gains as unhelpful results are weeded out. The March 2024 update is part of Google's ongoing push to reward people-first content. Some specific types of websites that could be negatively impacted:
  • AI-generated content farms
  • Affiliate sites with thin, cookie-cutter reviews
  • Websites abusing expired domains or hosting third-party spam content
  • Pages with deceptive titles and content that doesn't deliver on search intent
Don't panic if your rankings fluctuated during the rollout period. Monitor your search performance but avoid making major changes until the dust settles after 2-4 weeks.

How to Adapt Your SEO Strategy

While the March 2024 update introduces new challenges, the core principles of good SEO remain the same. Here's how you can optimize for the evolving search landscape:

Prioritize original, in-depth content

The best approach is creating distinctive, comprehensive content that provides unique value to searchers. Really dive into topics by including original insights, data points, or perspectives that readers won’t find anywhere else. For example, if you’re covering a product, move beyond rehashing the standard specs. Include your own hands-on testing, head-to-head comparisons with rival products, and curated user reviews.

Understand and match search intent

Put yourself in the shoes of those searching for your target keywords. Use keyword research to identify the precise questions and needs that drive queries. Then create content that directly responds to those intents—whether someone is looking for background information, website navigation, a potential purchase, or a specific call to action. For instance, if you’re targeting “best running shoes," an in-depth buying guide comparing brands would be more valuable than a basic list.

Provide exceptional user experience

A seamless user experience signals value and keeps visitors engaged. Ensure quick load times across devices, with special attention to mobile optimization. Break up text with clear headers, tight paragraph construction, and visual elements like images or video. Enable easy self-navigation through intuitive IA and site search. Reduce friction wherever possible.

Showcase E-E-A-T

Establish your brand as an authoritative resource by showcasing expertise, real-world experience, and trustworthiness. How? Here are a few tips:
  • Introduce your team through detailed author bios and "About" pages highlighting relevant backgrounds
  • Link to reputable third-party sources to support key claims and arguments
  • Aim to earn links from respected websites in your industry to further reinforce your authority
  • Stay on top of online reviews and respond genuinely to customer feedback
  • Clearly communicate your website's purpose and maintain a steady brand voice across all content to build audience trust over time

Avoid spam tactics

Avoid black-hat tactics, such as buying links, hiding text, or scraping and repackaging others' content without adding value. While these approaches may temporarily boost rankings, they often incur manual or algorithmic penalties when caught. Instead, concentrate efforts on publishing original, useful content and promoting it ethically to earn authentic engagement and links.

Monitor search performance

Analyze performance data in Google Search Console regularly to stay on top of SEO. Track key metrics like rankings, impressions, CTRs, and organic traffic to spot trends and areas for optimization. After the 2024 update, carefully monitor changes in search performance — particularly decreases in rankings. Identify affected topics and look for ways to enhance content depth, uniqueness, and user value to realign with Google's evolving ranking factors.

The Future of SEO

The March 2024 core update marks a significant shift in Google's approach to low-quality content. Google will clearly continue to prioritize people-first content as it works to satisfy users and maintain dominance. As an SEO professional or website owner, embracing these changes is key to long-term success. Stay focused on creating original, helpful, in-depth content rather than chasing shortcuts. Build your brand's expertise, experience, authority, and trust. Provide exceptional user experiences. In the end, what's good for searchers is good for Google — and good for you. While algorithm updates can feel overwhelming, they're also opportunities. Leverage this chance to assess and improve your content and SEO practices. The websites that adapt and provide the most value to users will come out ahead. If you need help working on your site’s SEO, get in touch with us today. Talk to our SEO specialists.

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