website design and development company
Kreative Machinez
23rd September 2016

5 Secrets of E-Commerce Website Design That Only a Handful of People Know

Ever wondered why few e-commerce websites convert and sell much more than their competitors who are offering almost the similar products?

Nope, it’s not sheer luck!

“Good marketing strategy”—that’s not ENTIRELY right. Why?

The average cart abandonment rate in 2015 was 68 per cent. This, according to Business Insiders, means that there could be up to $4 trillion dollars in merchandise just waiting to be recovered in abandoned shopping cars.

This clearly suggests that even if a prospect is lured to the e-commerce website with a winning marketing strategy, conversion is not always guaranteed.

Important to have a good-looking website and CRO strategy

In fact, for a clearer picture, should you know, 96 per cent of e-commerce website visitors are not yet ready to buy anything. This makes having a decent CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) and retargeting strategy very important; and having a well designed and developed website even more important.

Many e-commerce businesses undermine the importance of having a smooth, easily navigable and well designed website. And this makes all the difference between them and their successful competitors.

If you own an online retail business, you should certainly have a good ecommerce website design company by your side all the time. If not, then you should at least know few secrets that these professionals know and others don’t.

Yes—secrets to improve your conversion rate by just tweaking the structure of your website; secrets to make your website high-converting.

5 Ways to improve the conversion of your ecommerce website

Jet-quick pages

We already know that speed of the website directly affects the UX, and hence the conversion. But always argued on “up to what extent?” Here’s an answer-

1 Second delay in your website speed can result in a 7 per cent reduction in conversions.

That’s too high to ignore. So ensure your website loading time is as less as possible.


‘Don’t judge the book by its cover’ doesn’t hold true when judging the content of the website by just looking at its heading. Heading is very, very important (hence, in all caps!).

So make the heading of your landing pages attention grabbing. Here’s a tip- adding a pain point in the heading can increase your conversion rate by 30 per cent. Also, always place these heading on ‘above the fold’ area for better result.

Crystal clear value proposition

Your e-commerce platform sure must have a USP. If not, come up with a point for which people should buy from you and only you. Maybe you stand for better quality? Maybe you’re offering the cheapest products? Maybe you’re offering discounts, free shipping, quick shipping and so forth? These are your value proposition.

Highlight them clearly on your landing pages. Why?

A study found, including discount (value proposition) information in the heading increased the Add to Cart conversion by 148 per cent.

So… that’s why!

Highlight social standing up and front

Much like product reviews, social standing of your e-commerce platform influence people’s buying decisions significantly. More number of fans and followers reflect better reputation and higher customer satisfaction. So unlike others, don’t overlook the significance of social credibility. And most importantly, display your popularity oh-so-proudly right up front to gain the prospects’ attention and a little bit of trust instantly.

A clean CTA button

A very straightforward Call To Action (CTA) button is very important and you should place it- strategically- at many places on the landing page. It gives the visitors a clear picture as to what you want them to do or what they’re supposed to do. But again, you have to be strategic here and not pushy. This is one of the easiest ways to boost your conversion.

These are 5 simple ways to increase the conversion rate of your e-commerce platform. So now you know, you know what to do!

But again, things are easier said than done. So if it looks a bit too complex, contact good website development companies today.

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