Kreative Machinez
30th June 2016

Why Content Marketing Has Become an Epicenter of The Digital Space?

From a time when content marketing was considered just a subsidiary to SEO- sitting at the backseat, steered by Search Engine Marketers- to NOW when it has become an epicenter in the marketing space- we sure have come a long way.

Top brands now extensively prioritize content marketing- cutting a large portion of their budget to employee or outsource content professionals.

Now the question is- Why? Why content creating has come to play such an important in the marketing scene today? Why 70 per cent of B2B organizations and 69 per cent of B2C organizations prioritized content more in 2014 than 2013? What has changed over the years?

Well we have a LIST of answers for why top brands are rooting for content marketing more so than ever and why you should follow the same path by outsourcing professional SEO content writing services-

5 important numbers-backed reasons


(These stats are sourced from the research of top and renowned marketing agenciess)

  1. Businesses that have prioritized blogging are 13 times more likely to have a positive ROI. No wonder, 2 million blog posts are published everyday.
  2. Content marketing costs 62 per cent less than the traditional marketing methods and gives you 3 times as many leads.
  3. The conversion rates are nearly 6 times higher for businesses that depend on content marketing comparatively.
  4. 72 per cent of marketers have observed that branded content is much more effective than the traditional advertisements.
  5. 82 per cent of marketers who blog see positive ROI from their inbound marketing.

In case if these numbers are just too much for you to really gauge the growing significance of content marketing, here’s some more (understandable) reasons-

More reasons why your marketing approach should be content-centric

  1. It helps in brand building- Banners and short posts say very less about your brand and its message, let alone connecting with the target audience. Well written blogs, articles and other social contents, on the other hand, aims to communicate and engage with the target readers. Your brand recognition increase, so does its authority in your niche. This subsequently helps in winning loyal customers for long term.
  2. Google feeds on “quality content” now- Gone are the days when content QUANTITY mattered most; Google Panda and Penguin changed all. It now wants quality content. So link spamming, keywords stuffing and other black-hat SEO practices would not only NOT HELP you, but also qualify you for hefty penalties. So in a way, content now steer SEO. Professional website content writing services providers play messiah here.
  3. It adds value to your offerings- Supplementing content- whether via blog posts, articles or social media posts- that talks and explains about your products or services adds value to them. And given this, the chances of conversion, sales are much (MUCH!) higher.

These are some of the important reasons why content marketing has become such an important thing in the digital space, and why you should prioritize it too. Good thing is that there exists many professional SEO content writing services companies who can help and assist to get the best of this new marketing trend.

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