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Kreative Machinez
7th October 2019

5 Traits of High-Converting Content

You cannot simply write a blog post and expect it to generate you traffic and drive conversion. There are a few specific traits that high-converting content share. And if your content lags in them, you can bid adieu your expected returns.

To help you get started on the right track and enjoy higher ROI, per the top experts and digital marketing companies in USA, here are five traits of high-converting content that yours need:

1. They are a part of the sales funnel

At the end of the day, your digital marketing efforts are meant to help you sell. And this is exactly why you must position your topics correctly in the sales funnel, which will help you determine the kind of content (format, style, tone) you should produce in the first place.

For instance, the top of the funnel content (ToFu) are quite different vs. bottom of the funnel content (BoFu).

So, map a sales funnel first, create a content strategy accordingly and then produce content. When you know the intent of the content, it gets relatively easier to convert.

2. They help customers move forward on their journey map

Along with a sales funnel which is created around your business goals, you must also have a customer journey map that’s created around the needs, requirements, and actions of the target audience.

FROM getting aware of your products TO engaging with your brand TO converting – each of your customers goes through a series of stages. Your content must facilitate their movement from one stage to another.

This means, your content must be positioned thoughtfully on the customer journey map. Moreover, the content must be personalized well to adequately suit the specific stages of that map.

3. They address a problem and provide solution

This is as basic as it gets. Why would someone want to consume your content unless you’re providing them high value?

The biggest purpose to create content in the first place, unless you enjoy high brand value, is to deliver your audience either utility or entertainment value or both; usually, for business owners (in B2B in specific), it is to provide utility value.

So, when creating content, you must address the problems of your target audience. User-generated content (on Quora, social media platforms or on your own channels) can help you understand their problems.

You can even directly ask your audience about the kind of problems they are facing so you can help them.

4. They are engaging in tone

There’s a difference between writing a book or article and a blog post. There’s a difference between a writer and a blogger.

Sadly, many do not recognize these differences. And this usually leads to formal and poorly constructed content that lacks the engagement factor.

To grab the readers’ attention, to keep them hooked to your piece – your content needs to be engaging.

To your audience, it must feel like a one-on-one conversation; like you’re talking to them directly.

So, if you don’t already, focus on the engagement factor of your content. Write as you talk to friends. Ask questions. Avoid pretentious words and keep it simple. Make it feel like a conversation and not preaching. Makes sense?

5. They are a mash of text, images, and videos

Gone are the days of plain, vanilla text content. If you’re writing a blog post, it must have a blend of texts, images, and videos.

To that, it must also have other visual appeals; like personalizing the web design of the landing page per the topic of the content.

Today, people don’t want to consume plain content. Moreover, their shortened attention span makes them want to read your texts even less. Add to that the kind of killer content your competitors are producing, your audience has a number of better alternatives.

So, don’t treat text as equivalent to content. Content is just as much about images and videos. Combine different formats to make whatever you’re saying more impactful.


These are five key traits of content that convert more. Of course, there’s plenty more to take care of if you’re really aiming for sky-high returns, including keyword optimization and storytelling. But for the starters, these are what you should focus more on.

For help or to achieve more, hire the best SEO company USA based that also offers in-house content writing solution.

Direction:- https://goo.gl/maps/5KYbF547kiwDtR6VA

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