Kreative Machinez
4th April 2020

Change Your Content Strategy Amid COVID-19 Pandemic – Here’s How

Extraordinary times call in for extraordinary measures. While you’ve always been told to stick to your editorial calendar, it’s time now to take a pass on that.

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, your target audience doesn’t necessarily want to read “Why Austria is the New Favorite for the Travelers” and “10 Flannel Shirts We All Need This Summer”.

Owing to the fear, uncertainty, and doubt, their content consumption habit has changed. And it’s essential that you incorporate this change in your short-term content strategy.

What Kind of Content People Want?

There isn’t any one-fit-for-all answer here.

The question is essential, of course. What kind of content does the audience want to read, watch or listen to?

But the answer varies, depending on so many different factors, including your niche, what you offer, and the people you target.

A simple approach is to put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and figure out what they want to hear during this pandemic.

Flexing some common sense would give you an essence of the answer…

Some Examples

For instance, if you’re in finance, it’s not hard to guess that people want to hear more about budget optimization, unemployment and making money during such time.

If you cover healthcare, people want to read how they can protect themselves from falling sick and how they can keep themselves physically and psychologically healthier.

If you cover food, people - who are locked down in their homes - want to watch easy-to-make recipes that don’t include too many ingredients.

Most of these aren’t difficult to guess.

So, the first step is simple: Put yourself in others’ shoes, use common sense, and figure out what kind of content your target audience wants to consume.

3 Tactics to Know More Sure

Outside common sense, you should also pull the tactical strings to underline how you should change your content strategy for maximum benefits.

Here are 3 tactics:

1. Look at your successful competitors- Audit how they have shifted their content strategy. And then take lessons. Remember, successful competitors are one of the best sources to learn from. This is just as true even in the current climate.

2. Test on Social Media- Post bite-size content on different social media platforms and analyze the response from the audience. If it’s good, that’s the kind of content people want to consume. Create blog posts around them. If the engagement is poor, move on to something different.

3. Do topic and keyword research- Spending some time on Google Trend, Keyword Planner, SEMrush and other similar tools will give you a fair idea of what kind of keywords and topics are popular in your industry at present. Change your content strategy accordingly.

Produce Content That Would Do Better

If you’re still confused as to what kind of content should you be producing right now, simply ask your target audience…

Ask them what they want to read, hear or watch?

Ask them through different surveys and on various channels.

Furthermore, you can also hire the best digital marketing agency in India and work along with them. Such marketing companies that also offer SEO service in Kolkata bring with them a pool of extensive data and advanced research tools. So, you can tap on their resources to redefine and optimize your content strategy in conjunction to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

These are tricky times even in the digital marketing landscape. Consumers' habits and preferences have changed for the time being due to COVID-19 – and so should the digital marketing strategy of the business owners.

Audio Version : Change Your Content Strategy Amid COVID-19 Pandemic – Here’s How


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