search engine optimization services
Kreative Machinez
5th March 2016

Elongated Key Phrases Are Actually Beneficial For Your Online Venture

Understandably, your SEO plan of action stays focused in achieving a higher rank with respect to targeted key phrases. Problem is, webmasters often end up in choosing highly competitive keywords and things turn too difficult to attain a satisfactory position in SERPs. Instead, usage of long tailed keywords in () style is nice alternatives to that stereotyped approach, for its ability to target lesser populous domains and earn revenues.

Choice of keyword/s can skyrocket or doom your site, depending on its appropriateness with respect to the visitor’s search motives. Of course you have ventured into the online arena to attract traffic and hence improve convertibility, but that requires fulfillment of two basic conditions. The customer base you are targeting is under your competitor’s scanner as well, and need of hour is to switch to a lesser competitive domain to be in a favorable position. This shifting may result lower traffic from more consolidated sources, thereby enhancing chances of conversion. Just a minor alteration of the chosen phrases can reward both these two, and you would be gladly shifting bases to long tailed keywords to grab that advantage.

Relevancy to rate above everything

It’s all about placing exact results in accordance with the searched items that improves chances of conversion. That’s the unique feature these extended keywords carry, so as to segment the search results at par with the user’s preference. For example, you have “pest control” and “domestic remedial for pest control” to use for your pest product selling company. Now, when a search is made, you are unclear of the visitor’s motive; it could range anything from formulations to be used for controlling pests to types of methodologies practiced. In comparison, the later gives a clear indication about the affordable methods that an individual can try at home to get rid of pests. Clearly, you stand a better chance of selling your stuffs by sticking to the second option.

Instant and long term benefits

Long tailed keywords belong to lesser and infrequently searched upon genre, and this facility enables you to target certain client profiles looking for specific stuffs within a particular region. This facility is translated to the following SEO benefits:-

1.Graphical representation of number of searches within a specified time period against keyword popularity would result a rectangular hyperbolic curve. It implies that lesser reached terms, when put together, actually comprise of the majority of the search volume

2.Lesser competitiveness and more specificity are the two factors that are responsible for improved CTR. Because competition is less, there would be further benefit in the form of lower cost per click (CPC)

3.Such keywords catch up clients who are already in buying mode. Naturally, it fosters conversion probability. Someone who has typed “Denims” in the search box is probably just surfing, but the one placed a query for “best packages available on branded denims for summer 2013” is almost certain to make a purchase

Simply put, such keywords results better CTR and lowers CPCs, and eventually the overall the cost per acquisition (CPA) goes down. In fact, that’s the ultimately goal your online venture wishes to achieve.

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