search engine optimization company
Kreative Machinez
17th March 2016

Three Musketeers of Site Analysis to Judge Your Local SEO

Optimization for local market, along with usage of optimized content and image hold the key for your local market centric business. Right from choice of keywords to networking with local sources to show up in local search results, it’s a utility service mix that an online marketer needs to maintain to make the business presence in local search results count. Kreative Machinez  plays a leading role in this specific arena.

A systematic site analysis highlights the true status of your website, in terms of its efficacy and performance. This monitoring holds sheer importance, especially when you have restricted your market exposure, and preferring to operate within the local territory. You can always judge it with respect to a number of parameters, but your study is incomplete without taking the process of optimization for the local territory, images and content.

Site analysis and optimized content for localized territory

Rather than aiming to capture wider market, it is wise to target a specific territory. That’s the essence of local SEO, and the content so developed for this purpose plays a crucial role to bring success. Depending on content relevancy, visitors show up certain interactivity with the website so optimized, and a site analysis gives a detail picture of that interaction pattern. Anything you insert into that localized content, right from informative texts to images to multimedia graphics, it needs to be user centric. Website analytics in the regard, in interested to judge

Average stay of the local visitors in comparison with the inbound traffic coming from other territories. Normally this is done by analysis of bounce rate, CTR, number of pages visited on each occasion etc

Interactivity pattern of the local customers, by analyzing their tendency to sign up for purchasing, subscription to newsletters, submission of testimonials etc

Local optimization effect

Search engine giants have developed their respective territory specific counterparts to help the users in making most of the local market opportunities. In sync with this facility, SEO for this location specific marketing calls for certain special measures to be implemented by the online marketer. Website analysis in this regard, tells the marketer about the exact status of the strategies. Few common parameters in this regard are

  • Successful utilization of social media platforms
  • Local link building process
  • Chosen keyword performance
  • Competition analysis
  • Networking with available resources like local business, bloggers, events etc

Analysis to judge image optimization

Local business entities utilize image optimization techniques to combine SEO value with enhanced user experience. Site analysis concentrates on the following in this regard, to determine whether the campaigning is bringing encouraging results:

  • Insertion of images, in sync with the content
  • Whether the image is appearing in content search results, and vice versa
  • Use of maps and other basic information
  • Listing of company logos in local sources

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