SEO 101: 3 Strategies to Gain Backlinks from Authority Websites
Kreative Machinez
30th June 2017

SEO 101: 3 Strategies to Gain Backlinks from Authority Websites

While self-claimed “experts” can argue what’s important and what’s not on the SEO scene, few really can deny the real power of backlinks. The only slight change today is no more the quantity of backlinks that matters now, but rather the quality that’s held high among the search engines. Meaning, a link back from one authority website is much more rewarding than one from 100 mediocre webpages. The rule is quite simple: Get quality or relevant outbound links from authority websites, and see your website traffic sky-rocket in no time. To that, follow the basics of Conversion-Rate Optimization (CRO) to improve your sales just that easily. But the biggest problem here? We live in a real world where things are easier said than done. When it actually comes to putting theories to implementation, it is then people start sweating. Getting backlinks – that too, the quality ones – is difficult. Your hundreds and even thousands of outreach pleas “please link back my website” to industry leaders will go in vain. Instead of requesting and praying, you must be strategic with your approach.

Here are 3 proven strategies to gain err, win quality backlinks:

Guest Blogging

With content marketing stealing all the limelight in the marketing world today, guest blogging is finally enjoying the attention it so truly deserves. Many top and authority websites take blog submissions from guests, right from Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine to NY Times and the Guardian. And most of them, aside paying monetarily, also offer links back to your website. So start guest blogging. Create a list of relevant leaders and leading publications in your industry that enjoys massive monthly traffic, and approach them with your good pitches. Getting accepted won’t be very easy. You must be consistent enough, and have an actual plan here. For example, you can try connecting with the editors of website you’re submitting via social media channels to foster a relationship before sending cold pitching emails. Networking is a key here.

The Skyscraper Technique

This is a simple backlinking technique, term tossed by SEO maestro Brian Dean. It includes 3 steps:
  • One, you find contents that are link-worthy and relevant to you. You want to pick a piece that’s very popular and has many shares and backlinks from different websites and social media.
  • Two, you then revamp that content with more “juice” or “meat”. You add more information to it; update it with latest facts and numbers. You make it more detailed, informative and helpful.
  • Three, now you will reach out the websites that linked to the original content through emails and different channels. You can say something like “Hey, I see you linked to *original content name*. The article is really great. But I have a better version with updated infos that I think your readers will find even more helpful. So, do you mind linking my post?” If things go right, you’ll get a positive response.
Of course, on the path, lies ample of obstacles; like, actually finding good contents, then finding people who backlinked it and them shooting them cold emails. This technique doesn’t have full success rate. But who really needs that? If you’re going after quality backlinks from 10 websites, even if you get just two, it’s very well worth the efforts.

Digital Marketing Agencies

If you want quick result and, that, without much of a hassle, it is best that you have a good digital marketing services provider by your side; preferably an SEO company Kolkata based. These professionals usually have strong network with authority figures of different industries that they can leverage to get you backlinks. Not just that, they can also assist you elevate your SEO game, helping you gain more traffic, conversion and sale via innovative ideas and techniques (provided you have selected the right agency). This strategy is the easiest that assures you high-flying outcome. So give your business a flight of success—improve its digital presence and edge competition just like how a smart bunch of marketers does. It won’t be easy. Consistency is a mantra you should hold close to your heart.

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