digital marketing company in India
Kreative Machinez
27th September 2019

A Guide for Startups to Drive More Conversion From Social Media

One might say the golden days of social media marketing is over when you would post one thing and it would get massive exposure.

Today, the market has gotten more saturated and the number of competitors has tremendously increased. This has killed the organic reach or longevity of posts on virtually all major social platforms.

But then on the flip side, there are still thousands of brands who are thriving and generating millions in revenue on the back of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more.

This basically means two things:

  • Yes, organic reach on social media platforms has dropped significantly.
  • You can still drive high conversion on these channels.

As a startup, you must know how to work your way around and leverage social media power for optimum return.

Of course, that’s easier said than done – even when you have a good digital marketing company in India by your side, helping you in your campaigns.

That said, here are five tips for the startups to drive more conversion from social media:

1.Focus on “hot of the now”

“Hot of the now” is the platforms that are trending and have the most attention at present.

8 years back, Facebook and Twitter dominated the scene. Then came Instagram and Snapchat. Today, LinkedIn and TikTok are making the most noise.

The idea is simple: you always want to focus more on platforms that are working better in the “now” because they are more likely to convert better.

This doesn’t mean you ignore the rest. It doesn’t mean that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat aren’t relevant today; if anything, they are more important than ever.

However, per the recent trends, LinkedIn and Snapchat are the biggest players when it comes to attention and conversion.

And that’s what you want to focus more on, comparatively, with your investment in time, energy and money.

2.Contextualize your content for each platform

People use different platforms with unique mindset and purposes.

For instance, they use Facebook to connect with friends and family; they use LinkedIn to consume professional content; they use Instagram to see beautiful and interesting images; they use Twitter to keep up with the latest happenings in the world.

Posting identical content across all these platforms doesn’t make sense, does it?

They are bound to be ineffective because they won’t match the intent and expectations with which users are on that particular platform.

So, you must contextualize the content before posting it so to sync with the nativeness of the platform you’re posting it on. Change the caption, image, tone, and CTA.

The more people connect with the content, the higher the chances of conversion.

3.Engagement is EVERYTHING

The number of likes and followers are over-rated. In 2019, engagement is everything.

If people aren’t engaging with your posts, your vanity metrics are worthless.

This is why you must shift your focus from the number of followers your page has to the kind of engagement it enjoys.

You want your audience to engage with your content.

This needs you to publish interesting content regularly. You must encourage people to like and comment on your posts. You must respond to the comments and messages nicely.

In short, often, you must take the first initiative to talk to your audience.

Conversation leads to connection and connection to conversion.

Moreover, engagement also rewards the brand with good brand value trust. And, today, branding is the biggest variable of success.

4.Learn from your competitors

This is a rather basic tactic relied on by everyone, from a social media agency to the best SEO company in Kolkata.

When your growth has slowed, when you’re having trouble creating a strategy, when you’re struggling to make an informed decision – the best thing to do is to look at your successful competitors.

They are “successful” for a reason. They must be doing something right. Just copy whatever they are doing.

In context to social media marketing, see…

  • The kind of content they are posting on different platforms.
  • Which social media platform they are using the most.
  • At what time they are more active.
  • How they have built such a large following.
  • How they are driving engagement in their posts.

Do a thorough competitive analysis of their social media marketing strategy and simply do what they are doing.

5.Invest in paid campaigns

You cannot alone rely on the organic reach of social platforms now. It’s quite important to invest in paid ads so to reach more number of relevant people and drive brand traction.

This means you must spare enough money on the paid ad programs of individual platforms, as well as on influencer marketing.

Get together with your in-house team or the digital marketing company in India you’re working with and devise optimized campaigns.

Note to not redirect all traffic to just one generic landing page. Instead, have multiple landing pages that are ideally contextualized to the intent of different campaigns on different platforms.


These are five tips for startups to drive higher conversion from social media platforms.

Of course, it won’t be very simple. You would need smart strategies in tow and unnerving consistency in your efforts to see substantial returns.

Moreover, growth on social media, today, demands some time – unless you can spare a big amount on paid ads.

But again, if you’re consistent and adaptive to the dynamic digital market, you’re almost guaranteed to amazing results.


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