If you’re just starting on your marketing journey, you may have several questions in mind regarding lead generation.
Admittedly, while as basic as this lead gen concept may look, it has its nuances, which makes it challenging. So, having a clear understanding of the what’s and how’s can take you a long way in crafting better strategies and driving optimum results.
In this post, for a complete beginner, we answer seven of the most common and frequently asked questions about lead generation.
1. What is lead generation?
Lead generation is essentially focused on getting people who are interested in your business to take the next step towards actually making a purchase. It involves getting their contact details, which is then followed by nurturing those captured leads. There are lots of methods that can be used to generate leads, with most businesses using a mix of methods with different strengths. Lead generation succeeds demand generation and it is one of the early steps to grow the customer base.
2. Is lead generation sales or marketing?
Marketing teams are responsible for identifying new customers. This involves understanding their demographics, needs, and what they want to get out of the products or services on offer, which are then fed into the sales pipeline for conversion. So, lead generation is essentially a mix of both marketing and sales, with marketing taking care of the earlier part of the process (which includes engagement and interest), while sales ensure the conversion.
With lead generation, you cannot expect to get sales without investing in marketing. Both marketing and sales teams need to work closely together to ensure that the right kind of leads, those who are most likely to pay close attention to your product and would be ready to buy it, is generated.
3. Why lead generation is important for business?
Building a strong and steady stream of potential clients and customers is vital to any brand. The more leads you can get your hands on, the more likely you will find people who could become your paid customer. The best leads are those that take an interest in what you have to offer.
Lead generation allows you to find potential clients and customers for your business. You can find out what you need to know about them, learn about their interests, and then develop better conversion strategies that bring optimum revenue. It’s an ongoing process that will help you expand your business.
4. How does lead generation work?
Lead generation comes after demand generation. Once your demand generation strategy has hooked the attention of the target audience and kept them engaged, the next task is to collect people’s contact details. Your lead generation strategy is built around this objective: to collect people’s contact details (as well as other details, which can then enable personalization in lead nurturing). You can collect these details in a number of ways, right from paid ads to having an opt-in form at the end of the blog posts. You can offer a value proposition aka lead magnet to the visitors on your website in return for their email addresses. You can create dedicated landing pages for lead generation. Once you have captured the lead, it’s time now to nurture them. When the nurturing is done adequately, the lead would finally convert into a paying customer.
5. How to do lead generation on Facebook?
Facebook is one of the most popular platforms for lead generation. With little investment on ads, you can drive excellent results. You can promote a landing page where you can capture leads. Facebook also offers instant forms that can help you capture leads natively right on the platform. The form is usually pre-populated with users’ details; this improves the chances of conversion. If you don’t have experience with Facebook ads, get help from a digital marketing company in London.
6. How to do lead generation on LinkedIn?
Lead generation on LinkedIn is very rewarding especially for the B2B brands. There are different types of LinkedIn ad campaigns, which include sponsored, sponsored messaging, text ads, and dynamic ads. Depending on your business type, target audience, and the objective of the campaign, you will have to pick the type of ad accordingly.
Comparatively, LinkedIn ads are expensive. However, if you can target the right people with the right strategy, the conversion is much, much higher. Again, if you don’t have experience with LinkedIn ads, it’s best to rely on experts. Connect with a digital marketing company Kolkata and get their help in running successful campaigns and keeping cost-per-lead low.
7. How much do lead generation companies charge?
There’s no definite answer to this. Some companies can charge low white others can be very expensive. Also, some lead generation companies may charge a flat rate, while performance marketing companies may charge you per the result they drive you. In either of the cases though, again, the price can vary significantly. This is why it’s critical to do your thorough research to find a lead generation company that fits not just your requirements but also the budget.
Final words
These are some of the basics of lead generation. If you have more questions, or if you’re looking for experts who can spearhead your lead generation efforts, connect with us today. Kreative Machinez is a leading digital marketing agency, offering end-to-end lead generation solutions that tap on both organic and paid media to deliver you the best outcome.
Or you can continue learning. Give these two blog posts a read:
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