digital marketing
Kreative Machinez
3rd March 2021

3 Things You Need Before Creating Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Don’t rush to create your digital marketing strategy…

There are various things you need to bring into place before you get there. The preparation for creating a digital marketing strategy is a task in itself. Failing to check the right boxes will only result in improper and flawed strategy-making.

Here are 3 things you need before creating your digital marketing strategy:

Buyer Persona

Many business owners undermine the importance of having a thorough buyer persona.

Yes, you’re targeting every woman and man who are into fitness with your fitness shoes. But having such a broader picture in mind often leads to ineffective digital marketing strategies.

You should define your target audience more concretely. Who are they? What’s their age group? What is their salary? Where do they live? What kind of personalities do they follow? Which social media platform do they use more? The more relevant information you have about them the better.

Create a fictional representation of your target audience that includes everything from their demographic details to behavioral traits. Better insights into the people your business wants to target will help you create more targeted and effective digital marketing strategies. So, create a proper buyer persona. In case if you’re targeting multiple segments, you should have more than one buyer persona. For help, connect with a good digital marketing company in USA or India.

Customer Journey Map

You’re more likely to create a high-return digital marketing strategy when you put yourself in your customer’s shoes. This is what a customer journey map delivers.

A customer journey map outlines different touch-points of interaction between your brand and target audience – right FROM the instance when a person first discovers your brand TO the point (and beyond) when that person starts recommending your brand to others.

Unless you’re aware of these touch-points, creating an effective sales funnel – and thereon strategies at different stages of the funnel – is going to be difficult.

So, it’s important that once you have your buyer persona(s), you go on to create a customer journey map that maps customer’s lifetime journey aka interaction with your brand.

Defined Goals

This is very basic and yet very important to mention. Even the best digital marketing strategy will fail if you’re not clear what it intends to achieve and fulfill.

Sadly, that’s a mistake many business owners make. While they do know what they should be doing “next”, they aren’t always clear on the “why”. Don’t be one of them!

Before you start planning your digital marketing strategy, be very clear on the goals you’re going after.

You can have more than one goal. Split them into primary and secondary goals. Adopt digital marketing tactics accordingly that are focused on achieving these goals.


These are three things you need to do before creating a digital marketing strategy. Falling short in these steps will only result in an improper and flawed digital marketing strategy.

So, if you’re looking to create a high-return digital marketing strategy that enables your business with high growth, do the mentioned things before sitting with your team to create the strategy.

Of course, implementation is easier said than done. Consider getting help from one of the best digital marketing companies in Kolkata. Have experts by your side who can navigate you in the right direction.

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