account based marketing
Kreative Machinez
12th May 2022

Account-Based Marketing (ABM): All You Want to Know (Part 1/4)

With the rapid rise of new consumer trends and business practices, marketing strategies are changing too to stay in sync with this evolution.

One of the very popular marketing strategies is account-based marketing.

While most ABM tactics have existed prior as well (such as direct mail campaigns and cold calls), the advent of social media and other digital platforms has created newer opportunities.

The top digital marketing companies in Kolkata have aggressively adopted account-based marketing for their clients, enabling the latter with better results that are also cost-effective.

In this guide, we will discuss everything about ABM and why every top digital marketing services in India is paying attention to it.

What is Account-Based Marketing (ABM)?

ABM helps organizations identify, create and manage relationships with target accounts. With account-based marketing, companies use data to identify their most likely buyers or decision-makers. Then they tailor their message to these individuals based on their interests, demographics, and behaviors.

Accounts are often referred to as "customer segments" or "markets." Companies use account-based marketing to reach the key decision-maker in each segment of their target market. The goal is to develop tailored content that will resonate with each audience member's unique needs while also driving sales leads through personalization techniques like personalized emails or newsletters.

So, put concisely, account-based marketing is a strategic approach to marketing and selling that focuses on specific accounts rather than broad companies or industries.

Remember, the goal of ABM is not just to generate leads but also to convert them into customers. This is why both marketing and selling teams are involved in the process; they work together to create and execute the campaigns.

Account-Based Marketing vs. Inbound Marketing

Account-Based Marketing is a marketing tactic that focuses on building relationships with key decision-makers within target accounts. ABM is closely related to inbound marketing, but it differs in the way that companies identify and engage with their prospects.

Inbound marketing involves attracting prospects through relevant, high-quality content offers.

In contrast, ABM involves targeting predetermined accounts with tailored marketing efforts. The goal of ABM is to build long-term relationships with high potential customers so you can increase sales and gain greater market share.

[Note: If you need help with account-based marketing, get in touch with a top digital marketing company in India and tap on their expertise to attract, engage and convert high-value accounts.]

Continue reading: Account-Based Marketing (ABM): All You Want to Know (Part 2/4)

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