Launching a website can be exciting. After all, your business finally has a digital presence (or maybe the website itself is a business).
In any case, it’s just the start of a long battle ahead; a battle to attract more traffic, capture leads, and drive conversion.
But don’t get overwhelmed already.
If you have just launched a new website, here are five tips to dominate Google SERPs:
1. Spend time in keywords research
Yes, it’s 2021. And contrary to what you may have heard, keywords research is still very important.
While you shouldn’t obsess over keywords, you should still care about them.
So, as a first, spend some time doing keywords research using Google’s Keyword Planner and other tools. If you want to drive organic traffic to your website, it’s essential that you have a clear understanding of what keywords are relevant to your business and with what phrases you should optimize your website with.
Doing proper keyword research can be a bit challenging. If you need help, get in touch with a digital marketing agency in Kolkata.
2. Have a long-term editorial calendar
If you want your website to win in the long run, you must create a content asset that brings you the traffic.
Besides, SEO is a long-term game. And relevant and good-quality content is the biggest requirement of that game.
So, create a long-term editorial calendar; of at least 6 months, covering the topics you would publish content on. Clearly define the objective of each of these content pieces, when you’re going to publish them, the keywords you’re going to target, and other such details.
3. Do technical SEO audit
This goes without saying...
There’s much more to SEO than keywords and content. Do a thorough technical audit of your website to identify SEO gaps. Fix those gaps and make sure your website is technically proficient per the search engine’s guidelines.
Again, doing a technical SEO audit isn’t something everyone can do. Get in touch with a digital marketing agency California for assistance.
4. Optimize the pages around UX
Today, SEO is all about user experience. Your website must be designed and developed to deliver a great experience to all visitors.
For instance, the loading speed of the website should be quick. The website should be aptly responsive on small devices. The navigation should be conveniently positioned.
There’s much more to optimizing the website around UX. So, take your time to make this happen. Make sure your website is pleasant and convenient to spend time on.
5. Build conversion opportunities
Don’t wait for a certain amount of traffic to come on your site before you start focusing on conversion. It’s a common mistake many make. Don’t wait for it!
Instead, try to drive conversion right from the go. Whatever traffic you’re generating, try to convert those individuals.
This requires optimizing your landing pages, A/B testing with different CTAs, offering lead magnets, and other steps.
Indeed, this isn’t directly related to the site's ranking on SERP. But it’s important to your business’s bottom line and that’s what matters the most.
Final Words
These are five things you should do if you have just launched a new website.
Take these steps and position your website to dominate SERP, attract more organic traffic, and level up your business to the next level.
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