In the previous post of this 3-part series, we discussed the need to produce more content than ever right now on social media to engage your audience. Also, we touched the importance of effectively allocating your budget on the right platforms to prevent leaks and maximize returns. If you didn’t read that post, please go here and give it a quick read: 6 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in a Recession [PART 2]
Here are the two social media marketing mistakes during recession you want to steer clear of:
5. Trying To Sell to Customers. As we noted in the first post, consumers’ purchasing power has declined. Unless you’re selling something essential – or you target a segment that’s not susceptible to economic downturns – your sales are going to get hurt with this trend. So, it makes sense that you focus less on selling. Instead, this is a better, and even the best, time to invest in branding. Better brand positioning of your business will bolster its recovery and add tremendously to its sustainability. Redefine your CTAs. Change the kind of message you send from social media platforms. Make what you’re saying centric to your brand instead of products or services. Focus on adding value to your brand – on engaging with more people and building an emotional connection with them through relevant and genuinely helpful content. Of course, have a proper strategy from the go on how you’re going to turn top of the funnel brand traction into financial returns for your business. But that’s a different conversation altogether where you would likely have to hire a good digital marketing company India or in the USA to create you a sales funnel, outline customer journey touchpoints, and create lead magnets.
6. Not Tapping on (Right) Data. Social media platforms have come a long way. Catering better to business owners, they now offer extensive data to make smart and predictive decision-making so much easier. Sadly, not many businesses use the data as rigorously and efficiently as they should. You don’t want to be one of them.This isn’t the time to make guess works or opinionated decisions. This is the time to rely on hard data when crafting your paid and organic social media campaigns. So, go through data every social media platform offers - or whatever social media analytics tool you’re using. Understand what the numbers are revealing; like what kind of content is doing well, what call-to-action is converting better, what kind of posts are driving the highest engagement, and more. And only then make your social media marketing decision. You’ll quickly notice significant improvements in your ROI.
In this 3-part series, we covered 6 social media marketing mistakes during recession that you must avoid at all costs. If you didn’t read the previous posts, please check them out here: Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in a Recession [PART 2]
6 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in a Recession [PART 1]
Kreative Machinez
If you need help with social media marketing in these challenging times, Kreative Machinez can help. We are one of the leading digital marketing agencies in Eastern India, offering social media marketing services, as well as playing a favorite SEO company in kolkata. We’re actively working with several domestic and international clients to help them sail through this pandemic and economic downturn whilst maintaining the same dominant market position. We have an experienced team of social media experts who are committed to help business owners tap on opportunities and amp their growth rate. For more information, talk to our expert. Here are our contact details.
Audio : 6 Social Media Marketing Mistakes To Avoid In a Recession [Part 3]